Frank Greenlee, Jr.- Greenlee Planting Company, Leland

Best Advice to Give   

Timing is everything. Don’t be late. Don’t second guess your crop consultant.

First Job

Chopping cotton on my uncle’s farm as a teenager.


Deer Creek Academy and attended East Mississippi Communty College until my dad called about some land he found I could farm.


I am married to Leathe Maxwell Greenlee and we have two children, Isabell (4) and John Maxwell (2).

Current Job and Position   

Owner/partner of Greenlee Planting Company.

Describe What You Do in Your Job

I do almost everything, from start to finish, year round. As a small farm with only part-time help, I have many responsibilities.

How Did You Become Interested in Farming?   

I was born with a love for farming and I farmed throughout high school. When I was given the opportunity to do it on my own, I jumped at the chance.

What Do You Like Best About Farming?   

I enjoy being outside and seeing what I’ve planted grow into a fruitful crop.

What Do You Like Least About Farming?   

Stress and the risk of it all is the worst part; and Mother Nature not cooperating at times.

Best Business Decision You Have Ever Made?   

Letting go of unproductive ground.

Worst Business Decision You Have Made?   

Probably not spraying burn down to save money and not watering on time.

Who is Someone Who Made a Difference in Your Life When You Were Growing Up?

Dr. James Holloway made the biggest impact on my life when I was growing up. I worked for him after high school and he taught me how important it is to get things done in a timely manner when it comes to farming.

What Music Are You Currently Listening To?

I listen to a little of everything.


Bow hunting for deer is my all-time favorite, when my wife let’s me go these days!