Best Advice Received:
Don’t be scared to take a chance. There are risks involved in farming, but if you don’t try you will never get started.
Best Advice to Give:
Build a team to help you make decisions. With high rents, costly equipment, seed, chemicals, fertilizer etc. margins are thin. I rely on Zack Smith with K.COE-ISOM, Andy Graves with Graces Agronomy and my salesmen from Helena Chemical & CPS to help me make smart ROI oriented decisions.
First Job:
Chopping cotton on Heaton Farms
Lee Academy and Delta State University
Tell Us About Your Family
Wife, Cadey and two boys Winford and Cade
Current Job and Position:
Owner/Manager Bayou View Farms
Describe What You Do in Your Job
Everything from driving tractors, sprayers, cotton pickers, laying polly pipe and all things in between. I’m a small farmer, so I try to do as much as I can myself. I only have one full time employee.
How Did You Become Interested in Farming?
My grandfather, Rudolph Massey was my inspiration. He farmed his whole life.
What Do You Like Best About Farming?
It’s rewarding to plant the seed in the spring and raise it through the season until harvest. When the picker and combine hit the field, it’s a great feeling to see the fruit of your labor.
What Do You Like Least About Farming?
Stress! It can be a very stressful—worrying about weather, commodity prices, etc.
Best Business Decision You Have Ever Made?
Getting into the cotton business
Worst Business Decision You Have Made?
A couple of years ago a farm came up for rent that joined me. Rent was reasonable so I made a quick decision to rent the place. The farm was 100% dry land and grain prices were relatively low. I learned the hard way that cheaper isn’t necessarily better.
Someone Who Made a Huge Difference in Your Life When You Were Growing Up? Why?
My grandfather taught me everything I know. The knowledge and wisdom that he passed on to me I will never forget.
What Music Are You Currently Listening To?
Chris Stapleton, Sturgill Simpson, Cody Jinks
Deer and turkey hunting. My wife says I’m obsessed and she’s probably right.